It’s not supposed to be hard

Crowding out

What is it?

How does it affect my diet?

Why should I do it?

These are all great questions with pretty simple answers.

What is it?

Crowding out is what happens when you decide to not quit something “cold turkey” but instead decide to “crowd it out”. This can work in many areas in your life that is not just about food and diet. But for an easy example, crowding out processed sugar in your diet could start with something as simple as trading in milk chocolate for 70% dark chocolate. Then slowly starting to crowd out more sugar with getting rid of store bought baked goods and making your own homemade baked goods with maple sugar instead of processed white sugar instead.

My own personal way of baking sugar free, is to make banana bread but instead of adding any sweetener to it, I add extra bananas instead to add extra sweetness.

How does it affect my diet?

Crowding out does not have to have a huge effect on your diet. This process is self paced with you as the person with the power. Crowding out should not be difficult and if it becomes difficult then slow it down. Above all listen to your body.

Why should you do it?

Honestly this is a personal choice. What does your diet look like, what foods have you been wanting to eat less of but find it hard to quit eating because they are so addicting?

Is it…… junk food…… soda…….. juice…..?

Start with one item you want to eat less of and then start with crowding out that one snack that includes that item and replace it with a healthy alternative. If its something sweet replace it with something sweet such as fruit, if its salty replace it with something like salted nuts.

Do you see where i’m going with this?

Crowding out does not need to be hard, go at your own pace and start with one snack at a time.


Spring is in the Air


“But I thought it was all science?”