Overindulgence and Guilt Food

Why is it so hard to not gain weight and stay healthy while traveling? It most often comes down to two things, Overindulging and Guilty Eating. Overindulging is when you can’t or don’t say no. I know from experience how hard it is to say no when it is your favorite food. I love carbs in all shapes and forms, bananas, bread, pasta… you name it, if its a carb I love it. With that, everywhere you travel they have their own unique forms of carbs in fruit, pastries and bread… So no matter where I go there is always that temptation right down the road. It took me quite a few years to find the healthy balance that allows me to eat my favorite foods.

One thing I have learned is that your body responds to how your mind thinks about the food. For example; If you feel guilty about eating certain foods of desserts, at the end of the day your body will pick up on what your mind is thinking. If you feel guilty for indulging and think you will gain five pounds, bloat or break out; your body will respond accordingly and do what your brain subconsciously told it to do. Most of how your body responds was not based on the food but your brains communication to the body.

How do we stop this trend of Guilt Food? Learn to enjoy every bite you take. Savor the moment and those you are spending it with.

Another trick of mine is to share whatever food that normally makes you feel guilty with a friend or family member. This is an easy way to trick your brain into putting its focus into helping the body digest this new found Freedom Food, instead of side tracking your body to bloat instead.

*Remember eat all things in moderation. To much overindulgence is never good. Learn when to say yes and when to say no.*


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